Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Coen Brothers Are Working on a Movie With ‘Quite a Bit of Live Music’

At the opening of the Film Society of Lincoln Center a new facility on Friday, Joel and Ethan Coen, filmmakers liked True Grit, some details slip in his next project while talking on stage with director Noah Baumbach. "You work in a movie now has a bit of music on it," said Baumbach, apparently aware of certain information confirmed Ethan Coen:. "Yes, it will be mostly live, think," said Joel said. "We are working on a film that has music on it now, but that's all done live instrument, unique," he said. Details remain sketchy, but here are some other things. "Ethan suggested that his new film was" a bit like Margot at the Wedding, "Baumbach 2007 film," reports Indiewire later, Joel said: "In the stories come with us, write to someone specific, but I have to say, the [music-related] What we do now, not written specifically for either party, which is unusual for us.

"Indiewire, considers it" a new project, "but not the first Coen Brothers film is rumored that they will not mature.


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