Saturday, August 6, 2011

Chace Crawford Boards South African Murder Drama

Are you mocking Chace Crawford dramatic in good faith, when you can see, it was as a leader in efforts Gossip Girl Drama Emmy? Maybe this will convince you that it is serious: LAT reports that Crawford will be a South African man charged with the murder of the Gun House, which stars Pierce Brosnan as his father. The funding is still working in the film, but my fingers are crossed, especially as we look forward to hearing the accent.


Super 8 Tops the Box Office

After much talk about his potential at the box office, scoring JJ Abrams is the Super 8 first place at the box office, earning a cool $ 37 million during its weekend debut. Meanwhile, the X-Men: First Class took the second place, earning $ 25 million, bumping its total revenue to 98.8 million. Part II Hangover slipped to third place, earning $ 18500000 in its third week, bringing its total earnings to $ 216.5 million. Kung Fu Panda 2 came in fourth place, earning $ 16.6 million, bumping its total gross domestic product to $ 126.9 million. And Pirates of the Caribbean: The Fountain of Youth came in fifth place, earning another $ 10800000, bumping its total revenue to 208.7 million.


The Coen Brothers Are Working on a Movie With ‘Quite a Bit of Live Music’

At the opening of the Film Society of Lincoln Center a new facility on Friday, Joel and Ethan Coen, filmmakers liked True Grit, some details slip in his next project while talking on stage with director Noah Baumbach. "You work in a movie now has a bit of music on it," said Baumbach, apparently aware of certain information confirmed Ethan Coen:. "Yes, it will be mostly live, think," said Joel said. "We are working on a film that has music on it now, but that's all done live instrument, unique," he said. Details remain sketchy, but here are some other things. "Ethan suggested that his new film was" a bit like Margot at the Wedding, "Baumbach 2007 film," reports Indiewire later, Joel said: "In the stories come with us, write to someone specific, but I have to say, the [music-related] What we do now, not written specifically for either party, which is unusual for us.

"Indiewire, considers it" a new project, "but not the first Coen Brothers film is rumored that they will not mature.


Navy SEALs Movie Starring Navy SEALs Officially Announced

As first reported Vautour, Relativity Media publishes a film about Navy SEALs, featuring real Navy SEALs. The film scripted, bravery, was officially announced Sunday, and the studio is a 2012 release date target. Mike "Mouse" McCoy and Scott Waugh will direct and Kurt Johnstad (300) wrote the script. Bravery following a platoon on a mission to recover a CIA abducted and take the terrorists. The filmmakers had "unprecedented access shipbuilding," according to a press release, and the film will feature fight sequences composed of real events in the lives of men in the film.


Your Box Office Explained: How Super 8 Overcame Its Bad Tracking

This weekend the winners of the Super 8 (asterisk). It 'an estimated 38000000 8000000 The gap between the dollar and $ 13 million more than was expected, as the film follow-up anemic. Who do not have a star in Woody Allen's midnight in Paris, is now moving towards the $ 14 million in its second week of Grosses. This weekend took in $ 6100000 to take less than a thousand screens - Allen, the best showing of Hannah and Her Sisters 25 One year ago (!)

Losers this weekend: And here comes the star. In a week without opening the competition to save Judy Moody and her summer without bummers, we need to put the Super 8 in this category, too. Although better than many expected, the opening of its $ 38 million $ 3 million less than in 2008, Cloverfield. Now there was a monster in America was dying to see!

How it all went down: The Super 8 does not end up more losers than winners is impressive due to the eleventh hour push from Paramount, new, flashy advertisements, the projections of Thursday morning, and a drum beat from the word anima Twitter very positive word of mouth keeps all stakeholders considerable shame not to open at No. 1 when it was the only major new film in theaters. Until last week, despite (or perhaps because?) Trucks in its descent, the Super 8 seemed to be doing their best, not the plot from its explosive trailer began last summer. Unlike the now iconic, the Statue of Liberty decapitated that came to define Cloverfield, Super 8 is posters and print ads with a landscape that is boring, leaning to one side, we say ... nothing. While Super 8 sin, then his head was a transgression implicit "Abrams. Spielberg. Monster Alien.

Will you be there, "the arrogance of his position, which left the film almost forgotten, overshadowed by bombastic show-you-all superhero trailers for summer events.

The report stresses that the whole enchilada costs $ 75 million, haters insist on two occasions, but in any case, the real obstacle in Super 8 was the marketing that could have been. In the winter of 1996, after Roland Emmerich flew to the White House during the Super Bowl XXX Independence Day ad, I remember my girlfriend and with emphasis, half serious: "I do not care if I have to sell my body night: We'll be at the first screening of this "When he reached the Super 8 in trailers instead of awakening interest in the film itself, the first Spielberg-nostalgic atmosphere. . just let eager to rush out and rent Close Encounters of the Third Kind Determined to close the mystery box, never gave Abrams abroad and accused of luring the public: This approach has worked better than mock Cloverfield, but open in February, far from the height of the season special effects.

Meanwhile, the well-examined X-Men: First Class held fast, losing 53 percent of its audience. It's pretty standard for the spandex-heavy movie recording, but it's better than almost every film X-Men save the other. They never imagined a day when a film of Marvel Comics would depend on the review of the movie offended for their livelihood. Ah, the bitter irony!

But as opening day approached, later, Super 8 television commercials became more flamboyant, traditional blockbuster-y, and creation of it. And they seemed to have worked to revitalize interest.


Review Super 8 in One Sentence

This weekend fell JJ Abrams is the Super 8 mystery and hit theaters, land surprisingly good box office returns and Reviews sterling (82 per cent in Tomatometer). But what do you think? Was the final product worthy of the initial secrecy and hype? Were you more into the drama or foreign relations giant killer? And most important: In retrospect, how did you feel Super 8 about Felicity Abrams?


Downey Jr., Favreau Raise Iron Man 3 Red Flags

It is said that Jon Favreau was so frustrated by the attempt by Marvel to promote cross over The Iron Man 2 The Avengers, he refused to direct the third film, but Favreau showed no hard feelings, which appear alongside Robert Downey Jr. in a screening of two films Iron Man last weekend. "The most difficult to three Iron Man Jon Favreau will be to negotiate a job," Downey Jr. joked Festival Hero Complex in Los Angeles. "It will be huge, and I will see that they pay." Yet, although Favreau has passed the reins to Shane Black, he reiterated that the Iron Man 3, may be hampered by the insistence of Tony Stark Marvel push on duty with his other heroes this summer for The Avengers. "I think in the comics, you can say it's an individual story, and you can break into a group. But in the film, it is difficult not to see What Just Happened, "said Favreau.

"What you say?" [The other superhero] all just lost his cell phone and can not get help? So it will take much ingenuity to make sense of a film of the general public audience and an audience of comics.


SNL Vet Melanie Hutsell on Her Surprise Appearance in Bridesmaids

Melanie Hutsell was mostly MIA since the nineties early adoption on Saturday Night Live (where he is best known as Jan Brady and Tori Spelling), his career took her daughter, Carly, was born. So it was a pleasant surprise when he arrived on the screen bridesmaid Kristen Wiig is also a partner in the tennis scene - too bad she did not say a word, is not that what the mind. "It's a small part," Hutsell said, "but I am very grateful to be part of a good movie." The mother of two has a surprisingly strong accent (she was born in Marysville, California, which is why a murderer can print Paula Deen), and spoke with Vulture about the difficulties of a career post-BN, and Jane Lynch is your personal style with the value of patience of the show.

How did you end up in the bridesmaids?

I had a small role in an episode of [the TV series 2009] In the Motherhood. Was one of the authors who wrote Annie Mumolo bridesmaids with Kristen Wiig. We had a great time on set, and when I left, she was like, I really want to work with you again. Cut to a year later, I decided to return to Saturday Night Live to see a show, we went to see Betty White. It was incredible to see someone of his age still rock, it made me realize that it is a long life. Everybody in their career has ups and downs. It made me feel inspired. I met Kristen weekend and it was so easy to bond with her. It is one of those people you feel you've known forever. Two weeks later my agent called me and said if you can prove that Judd Apatow, you can play tennis, you have a role in his new film. Nancy Carell, Steve Carell's wife is also in the scene. We shot for two days, and Kristin and I improvised the hell out of him. All he was cut.

Wiig and Maya Rudolph in a moment of the show, where women were more powerful, while your time is known as a children's club.

The older group was to make the show and ready to move, like Kevin Nealon, Dana Carvey, Phil Hartman. In nature, if their lives were sweet and kind and generous. Then there was another group, Adam Sandler, David Spade, Chris Rock, Chris Farley. Those guys were fighting for their work on the show and were really in the future and want to trace their plans. This is a competitive mentality. [And] then there was the girls! Where we fall into this picture of these two groups of children? I loved these guys and I knew that I loved, but sometimes I felt like I was a younger sister, did not want around. And there was no way for me to know that sitting on the power. No one knew what the future, and that would make Adam Sandler movies all the time. I was 23 years old and just happy to be there.

His co-stars Ellen Cleghorn was wonderful and disappeared.

I totally agree with you. I thought about it so much over the years, I do not know where she is. I really do not know, and it's sad. A great source of inspiration for me, Jane Lynch, I've known for twenty years. We were in [Chicago plays] The Real Life Brady Bunch together, and she played Mrs. Brady, and we had so much fun on stage. She came to my house after my daughter was born, and she was down and worried about his career. My mother said, "You just have to keep going and keep going." It was one of those moments I will never forget. I swear a few months later, his career took off. So my mother and I take full credit ! You get so close and want to throw in the towel and something will happen. I'm working on a pilot now called Waffle Hut with [bridesmaids'] Wendy McLendon Mo Collins and [Mad TV], and we develop our own characters. And I made a video for Funny or Die I'm so excited.

Have you stopped to work hard to raise children, or if it were forced to?

When I was at SNL, I was not married and I was not in a relationship. It has always been a disappointment for me, I had nobody to share it with. Meeting in New York was a nightmare. When I moved to Los Angeles, I was ready to settle down and find the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I found him three days after moving here. Many women are able to pull to have a family and keep their careers. I'm not one of those people.

She cried a lot and say things like, "Sorry, I'm bad, I had a meatloaf sandwich this morning," and "I just had my ovaries removed last week, is love!" Said would be in the DVD extras.

I play a middle-aged woman in an aerobics class, and she does the exercises changed and everyone has a rock hard body.


Why Is Midnight in Paris Such a Huge Hit?

Woody Allen 42 Midnight in Paris, the film goes into wide release today and is ready to be director of a bigger box office hit in recent decades. After opening as a monster in six theaters in a few weeks ago, Paris has always created a sensation even greater by the oral route, and should exceed $ 23 million and the Grosses Vicky Cristina Barcelona, ​​Match Point as soon as (1986 reference points, and Allen's Hannah and her sister, who took 40,000. $ 000, could find his record under siege, too). The experts are also whispers that the Owen Wilson comedy to mark the end of the year Oscar nods. Needless to say that the film has exceeded almost everyone's expectations in such a short period of time, so we ask: why? What's in this film by Woody Allen, who has hit a nerve with the public?


Russell Crowe, Possessor of 'Many Jewish Friends,' Tweets Against Circumcision

It's a good day for celebrities to make statements that offend morality, and then apologize for them! First Tracy Morgan, now Russell Crowe: The burly Australian sent a series of tweets protest circumcision, gloriously crowned with "many Jewish friends, I love my Jewish friends, I love apples and honey and funny little hats but stop cutting the babies a year. eliroth @ "He said, Eli Roth, because they are Pals (Roth RZA produced kung fu movie, the man with the iron fist, where Crowe is shown), and Roth quickly jumped to his defense: "@ russellcrowe is an extraordinary person -. people take a joke for me on Twitter and use it as an excuse to defame a good man" for the record, it does not seem that someone one says that the real opinions on circumcision Crowe was a joke, just the way they presented abrupt. Later, Crowe said: "My personal beliefs aside, I am aware that some will interpret this discussion I enjoyed the rituals and traditions of others.

I am very sorry, "Let's finish this in a moment of reconciliation. Apples with honey, so beautiful, right?


How Much Will Super 8’s Box Office Affect Original Movies? Less Than You’d Think

In the race to date, published by Super 8, there was plenty of hand wringing about the possibilities films for the weekend gross, with experts wonder if Paramount not to do-show-too-long campaign counterproductive. When the box office figures will start coming in one day, but expect handshakes continues, albeit in a different number of game: What is the Super 8 is Grosses represents the future of the original films in the studio? Before you even know the size of the JJ Abrams film opens, we're pretty sure they already meet the new question: 'do not really mean much.

It was always difficult to get a big-budget summer tentpole done when it is based on an original property, and although the Super 8 is successful, it will not change. However, an A-list director like Abrams - or Christopher Nolan, whose first movement of the needle on this debate much longer than the Super 8 could ever hope - can still get his original property, which is green if the budget and the package is quite attractive. Of course, the Super 8 bombs, managers may be wary of the next track Abrams, costing $ 200 million, without a clear hook, but if he projected the image of less than $ 50 million and had a great star that is not dedicated leadership of the city that would not compete for the rub.

In addition, hopes are riding on Super 8 because it was only the "original film" are misplaced. It is true that this season is full of comic book movies and suites but also loaded with original comedy, including the bridesmaids successful recent and upcoming movies stupid Crazy Love, Bad Master, 30 minutes or less, Larry Crowne , horrible bosses, and friends with benefits. (An unusual R-rated comedies are also due to the benefits provided by former Hangover.) When it moves in line to complain that Super 8 is a hope of the year of origin, their bias in favor of big-budget science fiction is the color of your perception.

If you are concerned about the lack of original film studios, in fact, there are two genres that could really use your concern: the entertainment and theater. Over the past decade, was animated blockbuster efforts almost always inspired by an original concept, through the pioneering spirit creative at Pixar. But now the Shrek series is no longer an outlier oversequelized and Pixar, Dreamworks and the rest has become a genre once known for its originality in a different way to the incubation franchise. At least they still make these movies, but: In the meantime, original dramas all but disappeared. JJ Abrams will be well into the Super 8, and everyone would be happy to meet with him to his next project - unless he decides to travel with a Super 8 film emotional textures, but not foreigners. Although critics have said that they would have preferred a straight line to the hybrid film, sometimes clumsy Abrams fact, there is no doubt that today's market, an original drama is the most difficult to sell , yes.


Movie Reviews: Trollhunter and One Lucky Elephant

Since the Blair Witch, Cloverfield is a Battle: Los Angeles, a fake documentary genre has conquered the cinema, just like a TV camera sitcom is a comedy. The strategy may be a practical solution narrators have a limited budget, or it can be a crutch to record a couple of ideas. The trick is to use the shaky cam in the service of something greater.

The movie monster Trollhunter Norway, directed by André Øvredal, opens with the corpses are popping up everywhere on the field. A trio of college filmmakers aspiring to obtain their pocket cameras and went in search of what they think is a poacher. They find a strange thin hair who lives out of a van for Team A. It also smells something. That the hunting is considerably larger than the game: trolls.

The construction is slow and obvious, but full of eccentric, comic detail - such as tanning beds and ultraviolet guns in the van, or the government behind security service, who used the bear dead as decoys. TSS has identified many species of magic - including Tosserlad, and Ringlefitch Jotnar - and details like: They were all born after a gestation period of ten to fifteen years, with a head, then quickly develop more (none of have them) as tumors. And yes, they love the smell of a Christian man.

I began to think that Øvredal could go to more aggressive style comedy Zombieland, but the film never fully commit, then falls into a lot of herky-Jerky fleeing goblins (which once seen, are the flashy-looking than you want to find the channel SyFy). What was cool and scary The Blair Witch twelve years ago (like a long shot on the floor when the guy holding the camera freaks out, or a night vision shots of walking through the forest), just do not have more, and is much more ØvredalIn his bag of tricks.

Lucky elephant

Lisa Leeman confused documentary An elephant lucky introduced the kindly circus ringmaster David Balding, who had an elephant in Africa aged sixteen years ago, and turns it into a bizarre mix of cow and daughter Balding trained elephant named Flora and created a viable business - Circus Flora - around her. She even walked down the aisle behind him at his wedding. But somewhere along the way, Flora has lost his desire for a signature tower standing, sitting, and running it: to open and close the bag with his suitcase. "It's hard to believe that I made a mistake to take the life of an elephant and merge it with mine," said Balding.

The film begins sixteen years after they found him Balding, when the now aging businessman trying to find a suitable home for the elderly Flora. Balding, as well as emotional and Animals in captivity, the process is a struggle. When you do not settle in a zoo, he acts violently, and is forced to move. Soon, the owners of the book of Tennessee Elephant making misleading statements Flora of post-traumatic stress disorder, which repealed Baldings dubious theories about separation anxiety. Managing elephant falls into a strange battle, in which each party claims to know the thoughts of animals.

This is a portrait Balding wave here, but little sense of the life of circus and how he came into the store, and virtually no recognition of the history of Flim-Flam circus ring master. Cropping a postscript of this awkward oddball Americana sketch as a call for pro-pachyderm justice, but there is too little context to justify without more argument. You can imagine Errol Morris document into a clinical obsession with animals of the conflict - a successor to Gates of Heaven. Or, Werner Herzog is an atavistic grotesque inability to tame a wild animal nature, Grizzly Mon Instead Leeman applies to sappy and light, transforming what could have been a marquee attraction at a sideshow .


Adam Scott Joins the Rogen-Streisand Comedy My Mother’s Curse

Adam Scott will soon have a collection of odd little stories to tell. The Hollywood Reporter reports that Parks recreation and actress joined Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand road-trip movie curse of my mother during her break, where he will also act in indie See Girl Run opposite Robin Tunney. He will not kiss Amy Poehler in both films, but feel free to gossip, either.


Friday, August 5, 2011

James McAvoy Falls Into Trance

Danny Boyle has just released an inverse Mystique! Oscar winning director originally set his sights on X-Men: First Class Michael Fassbender star in new movie line the back of his trance, but now that negotiations have failed, Boyle has sided with James McAvoy, rather - a lateral movement of the new Professor X. Magneto new McAvoy will play a lead singer whose art heist gets complicated when a key member of your team is amnesia. It might be useful for you too, to forget all about this new film promises, and future tasks of Boyle as creative director of the opening ceremony of Olympic Games in London will prevent up to a press Trance "in 2013.


Movie Review: In A Better Life, Worthiness Is a Vice

It 'hard work to make good movies, people are just trying to do the right thing, especially if you do not seem to be little risk of harming him. Where's the drama? A better life, Chris Weitz presents Carlos, a Mexican father and an illegal immigrant, that usually the rich gardens of Los Angelenos his teenage son. Weitz challenge is to make a man more than any man Carlos. Weitz does not succeed completely, perhaps because the problem is a problem with the movies too often, the merit of the film is tied up his vice president.

Carlos played with great dignity formidable Demian Bichir, a recurring player in the weeds, which was a hard Fidel Castro in Che, Steven Soderbergh. Unshaven, with dirt under their fingernails, Carlos is a single parent, gardener, and a sacrifice, day Saint whose only fault is his generosity to strangers and his teenage son Babyfaced, Luis. Like Luis, José Julián young actor is less convincing as a nice guy who could not understand the sacrifice of his father. The film won the distance between father and son Americanized, but Julian does not seem quite there. At first, her feeling disconnected purpose: Luis, naive and sheltered by his father, gets just for being cute, but it is increasingly clear is a defect of character and actor.

Carlos is trying to update their lives borrow money to buy their own trucks groundskeeping - but when it does, it has been stolen. Luis groped in her neighborhood the gangbangers, then he and his father, Finding a car in a sort of watered-down riffs and The Bicycle Thief. The film establishes that there is no time for the life of Carlos, but the work, the last of which are frivolous pursuits as her son. So we know Carlos mainly work - and we discover what we already knew - that it is a sacrifice, hard-working, decent and generous to a fault. Some details, in particular - a single action or unexpected - could have made more credible. Bichir, despite the presence of Carlos safe has never been more than the idea of ​​a man we should admire. And 'so emotional.

Weitz is telling the truth, and not to say oblique. His story is a simple parable, and the deliberate stimulation and increased score by Alexandre Desplat give the film the impression of a modern myth. With the release of his movie and supernatural New Moon The Golden Compass, Weitz does not avoid the sense of morality primitive black and white, either. Carlos is a good man, surrounded by leaves: tatted of gangsters and thieves, weak men. His justice is not in doubt. That means not much else is, either.


Movie Review: With Cars 2, Pixar Finally Whiffs

Even Pixar ever make a lemon. It's not that you will receive two cars (or, rather, the middle son, 9 years) from point A to point B, a little 'entertainingly, Pixar standards but outrageous for a shoo-in Oscar virtuosity, this is a further disappointment for the better .

Up to the expectations the fans of Pixar's', and the toy-based spectacular sequelizing franchise, which has earned more than about a dollar for children gazillion market is difficult: after you take the commercial risk of a green and peaceful planet the robot and grizzled old man to fly a home sad, there is no logic in taking an easy victory lap. Talking cars are easier to sell because it was the first film. And the two shots against Lightning McQueen car fun nasty F-1 Racer Francis (voiced by John Turturro in his worst DeLouise Sun) is a three-city international competition to promote a new type of green fuel.

No doubt there are some interesting bright, cartoon greeting card assembly that the use of each of the cities - Tokyo, Paris and London - and McQueen is a fast, sprawling racing is a plastic material, number of pixels, the excitement of video games Great Tourism. But it becomes confusing, or at least confusing. Race sponsored by former oil tycoon with a questionable past, creates a bond like James with a subplot of confidence McQueen, rusty tow truck Mater, pal (voiced by Larry the Cable Guy in a voice that leaves galunking and continue to be puffing out from the cliche idiot). And 'because it was a shoulder comic relief in the first film is like giving Jar-Jar Binks to see the movie with a love mess Mater hot little coupe (Emily Mortimer) and 007-as a super-spy (Michael Caine, who can bang-up distribution, which is a more elegant piece of movie storytelling.)

However, when Mater is such a dull clunk, the story plays less like a parody of Bond and more like a paragraph of this episode of Chuck.

Apparently, the emotional through-line is growing friendship between McQueen and Mater, but these two are physically separated much of the film, as Mater is lost in a miasma of clean fuels, oil reserves secret secret agents , and romance. Even for a movie about cars is a lot of plot machines. What is usually so exceptional Pixar films - that Miyazaki-like ability to tap into something universal and simple - is absent. With three distinct races to run an international conspiracy to unravel, and a pit crew crowded supporting characters who each need their time, Sprint is the film transitions so fast and so suddenly that the film is just grinding its gears trying to quit.

Does your child have fun? Sure, but a green-energy-page plot is too complex. What parents, politically, seems to focus grouped loophole. Lefties are flattered by the automotive environment, the ideals, conservatives cheer when it seems that green energy is not working. Do not worry, the shareholders of Disney: Not a car cross-branding opportunity was in danger.

There is plenty of vrooom and zoooom, but two hours of life can be confusing and a bit 'boring to recurrent mood Doofus Mater and McQueen frequent competitions. Perhaps it was easier to animate Pixar animals or toys, or a robot cowboy because we had always imagined that their personality. As children, when we played in the car, drove them, we killed them, jumped from the couch - and imagine themselves in them, jumping off the scale, or a ring around the track in plastic brittle. We wanted to drive a car, not cars. Maybe we need a vehicle traffic will always remain a mechanical fantasies - empty inside without any humanity.


John Lasseter on the New Oscar Rules and Directing Cars 2 on His iPad

The first installment of Cars Pixar raked in nearly $ 250 million at the box office when it was published in 2006 - a great trip by any measure, but not enough in the stratosphere, for example, Finding Nemo or up. Since then, however, the franchise has grown exponentially in popularity and has become a major unexpected economic Disney making a staggering $ 2 billion of goods each year. Cars will be two this weekend to keep the rhythm crazy? We talked to its director, head of Pixar honcho John Lasseter, this is how the franchise has become such a successful show.

At what point did you realize that the cars of the franchise has become a phenomenon?

Yes, he did something that made the history of cinema, and it did not fit one of the business center. Typically, a film that will be the biggest year is out, and you can measure how strong the franchise is a drop-off sale of DVD products. If he is to take a long time to lose, you have a strong franchise, but the car actually has grown in popularity over the years - a dramatic, too! He has sold more than $ 10 billion of products and a DVD since it came out. E ', like, crazy.

It is amazing to me.

Even in places where the film was right when it came out, now is a giant. I think it's really exciting to see the little guys wearing a Lightning McQueen T-shirt, or see the cars rolling suitcase in the airport stuff like that. It 'really fun, because you know the signs mean a lot to them. That's why I do what I do know that these signs have a place in the hearts of these families.

What is it like to lead and guide in the studio, at the same time?

And 'difficult. Demands on your schedule is challenging. When you look at what I do ... I am the creative director of Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios and Disney Toon Studios, and are the main creative consultant Walt Disney Imagineering, where I go there and help build rides and attractions and shows. Each of these is full time, and then for more, I directed the film, which is more than a full-time job.

So how do you do all this and not go crazy?

One way that I could not keep up with all these other projects, the iPad. You know, the iPad has changed my life! Steve Jobs is like a brother to me, and he is one of the founders of Pixar, and when the iPad the first time, I got one now. I started loading some, iPad, photographs and drawings and art department stuff in two cars, and driving home, I had to go through this stuff. Then, supervising technical director for 2 cars, Apurva Shah, wrote an iPad Special Review application only instrument called me where I can watch a video and photos. I live about an hour away by Pixar, have started to run down my reservation when I got a ride with a friend, and I want to sit down and work on the car this iPad. Hours of viewing time in my iPad accounted for about three hours of review time for study - it was incredibly powerful. And now, all the business units work with all their own iPads. I'm just a big guy, so I enjoyed it so much.

I read that you have taken in 3-D images of your wedding. How it works

I picked up the 3-D cameras, and I have this beautiful old Kodak 3-D camera, which was in the fifties. It uses 35 mm film, but you can send a couple of places where to put the slides, and you can look through these 3-D viewers. We do not have that many, just because it's fun for me. I love photography in 3-D, I think it's wild. In 1989, we made a Pixar short Knick Knack called 3-D, although there was a 3-D theaters to see it, so I have always been enthusiastic about the three dimensions of the worlds and characters. Explore the world because one eye closed, when we can open the other eye?

Pixar was off 3-D movies, long before the avatar is such a priority for most studies. I'm curious, with all that experience under your belt, what did you learn about what to do and what not to do with 3-D?

What we're trying to do the trick is easy to get something straight out of you. "Oh, watch out!" When executed, is to tell the story, and that's the way it calculates using 3-D to help draw the eye to something, and then another, then another.

Since they are the Academy of Management, I'd like to get Oscar to new rules began last week.

I think it's great. What we aspire to do is really keep the Oscar as relevant to today's audience can. Yes, I am very excited about it. This is to refine the best animated film category and a little more.

Why do you think needs to be refined? Certainly the experience of the ten candidates appears to have been a good thing for Pixar.

Well, I think that is going to be cool. What Bruce Davis said his research is that when you look at the past ten years, and to use a certain level of criteria, a number of years, it would be five candidates, but other years would have been six, seven, nine. Now, the rules reflect the quality of movies. We do not fill the slot for something that is worse just because we have an open slot.


How Michael Bay’s Underwear-Clad Transformers Actress Proved Herself

What is the North from the famous Northwest crop dust the scene would look like if Michael Bay had directed? Perhaps it should be noted first harrowing encounter with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Michael Bay, the man who throws at the end to replace Megan Fox Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The two first met in 2009 a number of Victoria 's Secret Commercial directed Bay, the Huntington-Whiteley has appeared in what he described as GQ as the "bra and panties and a big, billowing, black, floor-length dress and high heels. "

"I remember the first thing Michael told me - even before he came and asked me my name - was" Can you walk? And he looked at me like, 'What is this man talking about? Sure, I can walk. "And then he started telling me to get in the car, then took me -. I mean, honestly, I mean it was almost a kilometer in the desert, where n does not stop to think," This is a joke, right? "And I threw the car in the middle of the desert."

"And he said," OK, when you shout action, you must go! "And I suppose I could do it in stages. They screamed for action, and the car sped leave to set and I was like," Well, what should I do? " So I went all the way to where the camera was that took me - I would say a good 10, 12 minutes, and it was a track worthy Stomp - on the Salt Flats, it was like 100 degrees, it felt like fire. I remember going back and will not be impressed by all that I was pretty upset after; .. I think you can go, so "I just looked at Michael and he yesterday,"


Jesse Eisenberg Cast in Adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s The Double

Jesse Eisenberg is Winklvii'ed. We are pleased to be the first to hear it will play in Richard Ayoade is the adaptation of the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Double indie. (For those unfamiliar, this is a Russian government clerk whose life is falling apart, he believes to be a literal facsimile of himself - the same look, same name, same town - . Start working in his office) Think of it like Fight Club for bureaucrats.

Of course, if you have not seen Richard Ayoade submarine, or at least the trailer of it, can not wake up again. (Ayoade was also the leader in the British comedy The IT Crowd and directed episodes of the Community.) But if you have, so sit down and prepare to say "Hurrah!" O well, "Huzzah" What the British are likely to do so.


The Change Up Movie Review

The Change Up Movie Review: Gear "to open in theaters in the country, offering the public body swap comedy fans, if they are not interested in growth, to" Monkey "Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds star two friends -. The man and his family lawyer, a friend of the man-child CAD - who pine for each other everyday, only to find their wishes granted with disastrous results.

Frankly, there are not many people in my life, I want to share their lives. I have a blog about the movie to life so well, it's not so bad. But this does not mean that people are not in space-fiction film that I would not trade places with for one day. There are many such people.

Check out the top five movie characters I would swap with the body after the jump!

Marty McFly from "Back to the Future"
If I only have one day to live in the shoes of Marty McFly, I think it would be nice for me to prevent the abolition of space-time continuum. On the DeLorean at my disposal, I would grab the almanac, he wrote a few years ago and boy bar mitzvah gift me a lottery ticket that never goes down, or maybe visit my family a cowboy. This is assuming that I have relatives cowboy, I think. I am sure that I do not.

Nick Marshall's "What Women Want"
Although I am currently in a happy relationship for over five years, there are times that I have absolutely no frickin know that my significant other wants. How can I fix it? Swap bodies Mel Gibson character in "What Women Want," of course! There is much I could learn from Nick Marshall in the day, storage, and use that knowledge every time I have a problem with the boss - who, if she read it, not often. Seriously.
