Friday, August 5, 2011

Jesse Eisenberg Cast in Adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s The Double

Jesse Eisenberg is Winklvii'ed. We are pleased to be the first to hear it will play in Richard Ayoade is the adaptation of the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Double indie. (For those unfamiliar, this is a Russian government clerk whose life is falling apart, he believes to be a literal facsimile of himself - the same look, same name, same town - . Start working in his office) Think of it like Fight Club for bureaucrats.

Of course, if you have not seen Richard Ayoade submarine, or at least the trailer of it, can not wake up again. (Ayoade was also the leader in the British comedy The IT Crowd and directed episodes of the Community.) But if you have, so sit down and prepare to say "Hurrah!" O well, "Huzzah" What the British are likely to do so.


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