Saturday, August 6, 2011

Russell Crowe, Possessor of 'Many Jewish Friends,' Tweets Against Circumcision

It's a good day for celebrities to make statements that offend morality, and then apologize for them! First Tracy Morgan, now Russell Crowe: The burly Australian sent a series of tweets protest circumcision, gloriously crowned with "many Jewish friends, I love my Jewish friends, I love apples and honey and funny little hats but stop cutting the babies a year. eliroth @ "He said, Eli Roth, because they are Pals (Roth RZA produced kung fu movie, the man with the iron fist, where Crowe is shown), and Roth quickly jumped to his defense: "@ russellcrowe is an extraordinary person -. people take a joke for me on Twitter and use it as an excuse to defame a good man" for the record, it does not seem that someone one says that the real opinions on circumcision Crowe was a joke, just the way they presented abrupt. Later, Crowe said: "My personal beliefs aside, I am aware that some will interpret this discussion I enjoyed the rituals and traditions of others.

I am very sorry, "Let's finish this in a moment of reconciliation. Apples with honey, so beautiful, right?


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