Friday, August 5, 2011

John Lasseter on the New Oscar Rules and Directing Cars 2 on His iPad

The first installment of Cars Pixar raked in nearly $ 250 million at the box office when it was published in 2006 - a great trip by any measure, but not enough in the stratosphere, for example, Finding Nemo or up. Since then, however, the franchise has grown exponentially in popularity and has become a major unexpected economic Disney making a staggering $ 2 billion of goods each year. Cars will be two this weekend to keep the rhythm crazy? We talked to its director, head of Pixar honcho John Lasseter, this is how the franchise has become such a successful show.

At what point did you realize that the cars of the franchise has become a phenomenon?

Yes, he did something that made the history of cinema, and it did not fit one of the business center. Typically, a film that will be the biggest year is out, and you can measure how strong the franchise is a drop-off sale of DVD products. If he is to take a long time to lose, you have a strong franchise, but the car actually has grown in popularity over the years - a dramatic, too! He has sold more than $ 10 billion of products and a DVD since it came out. E ', like, crazy.

It is amazing to me.

Even in places where the film was right when it came out, now is a giant. I think it's really exciting to see the little guys wearing a Lightning McQueen T-shirt, or see the cars rolling suitcase in the airport stuff like that. It 'really fun, because you know the signs mean a lot to them. That's why I do what I do know that these signs have a place in the hearts of these families.

What is it like to lead and guide in the studio, at the same time?

And 'difficult. Demands on your schedule is challenging. When you look at what I do ... I am the creative director of Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios and Disney Toon Studios, and are the main creative consultant Walt Disney Imagineering, where I go there and help build rides and attractions and shows. Each of these is full time, and then for more, I directed the film, which is more than a full-time job.

So how do you do all this and not go crazy?

One way that I could not keep up with all these other projects, the iPad. You know, the iPad has changed my life! Steve Jobs is like a brother to me, and he is one of the founders of Pixar, and when the iPad the first time, I got one now. I started loading some, iPad, photographs and drawings and art department stuff in two cars, and driving home, I had to go through this stuff. Then, supervising technical director for 2 cars, Apurva Shah, wrote an iPad Special Review application only instrument called me where I can watch a video and photos. I live about an hour away by Pixar, have started to run down my reservation when I got a ride with a friend, and I want to sit down and work on the car this iPad. Hours of viewing time in my iPad accounted for about three hours of review time for study - it was incredibly powerful. And now, all the business units work with all their own iPads. I'm just a big guy, so I enjoyed it so much.

I read that you have taken in 3-D images of your wedding. How it works

I picked up the 3-D cameras, and I have this beautiful old Kodak 3-D camera, which was in the fifties. It uses 35 mm film, but you can send a couple of places where to put the slides, and you can look through these 3-D viewers. We do not have that many, just because it's fun for me. I love photography in 3-D, I think it's wild. In 1989, we made a Pixar short Knick Knack called 3-D, although there was a 3-D theaters to see it, so I have always been enthusiastic about the three dimensions of the worlds and characters. Explore the world because one eye closed, when we can open the other eye?

Pixar was off 3-D movies, long before the avatar is such a priority for most studies. I'm curious, with all that experience under your belt, what did you learn about what to do and what not to do with 3-D?

What we're trying to do the trick is easy to get something straight out of you. "Oh, watch out!" When executed, is to tell the story, and that's the way it calculates using 3-D to help draw the eye to something, and then another, then another.

Since they are the Academy of Management, I'd like to get Oscar to new rules began last week.

I think it's great. What we aspire to do is really keep the Oscar as relevant to today's audience can. Yes, I am very excited about it. This is to refine the best animated film category and a little more.

Why do you think needs to be refined? Certainly the experience of the ten candidates appears to have been a good thing for Pixar.

Well, I think that is going to be cool. What Bruce Davis said his research is that when you look at the past ten years, and to use a certain level of criteria, a number of years, it would be five candidates, but other years would have been six, seven, nine. Now, the rules reflect the quality of movies. We do not fill the slot for something that is worse just because we have an open slot.


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