Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Star Market: Will Planet of the Apes Help Cement Freida Pinto’s Rise?

Freida Pinto and Dev Patel both exploded in a big way when Slumdog Millionaire was an Oscar-winning sleeper hit back in 2008, but Pinto was able to fully exploit that moment: She lined up four new films, including Woody Allen with Islands and Julian Schnabel, and quickly became a staple fashion magazine. However, the beauty of Mumbai-born choose wisely? This weekend rise of Planet of the Apes will rep the highest level of the film Slumdog ago, and while the film is suddenly a wave of good reviews and buzz for his ecstatic motion capture performance by Andy Serkis, Pinto itself seems neglected. We decided to put the actress 26 years to the test by asking industry insiders to a simple question: If Freida Pinto was a part, would you buy, sell or hold?

Stock History: Pinto model, organized and studied drama in India before Slumdog happened. Outside of this film, she booked a supporting role in Woody Allen You will meet a man of your dreams, and then got a leader in the controversy Miral by Julian Schnabel. After the monkeys, who will continue his current foray into big-budget pictures with the interests of undying love in a fantastic Greek and Tarsem Singh is a Black Gold, Jean-Jacques Annaud and Michael Winterbottom Trishna at the tap.

Peers: Hollywood casting director team of his senior colleagues, such as Zoe Saldana (33), and Michelle Rodriguez (33), but is behind Rosario Dawson (32) and Jessica Alba (30).

Market Value: TBD. Slumdog was a huge success, which increased by nearly 400 million worldwide, but foreign and two underperformed Miral in limited release.

What Hollywood thinks: "I have not seen him do anything but stand there and look beautiful," said a bewildered agent we spoke to, while another added: "I do not know how great experience was so bad.'s Trailer the immortals, and if the best I could find, I am concerned. And like the great apes, the people you love, but I do not talk about it in the same. I do not care at all. "

"She and Dev Patel are good examples of people who have been overrated, and they were all" now "and not" the big picture, "says a publicist for the top." They were totally part of the Searchlight [Fox / Slumdog Millionaire] machine. He served the movie, obviously, but I'm not so sure they are served. If you want to be a movie star, Leave 'em wanting more. Instead, she was everywhere with that "We are very pleased to be here" thing. There was a kind of sweetness, but came through [the press] as shy and boring. "

Although the greatest film of Pinto is yet to come, a leading think she has already lost some of its buzz Slumdog "Woody Allen is a great gauge of the" IT Factor "with actresses, why he put You will meet on a large, dark Stranger, but it seems as if it were all these great roles for Slumdog, and they just never crystallized. It is not really hot on the list anymore. "

Still, the manager of this stretch to hope that it could easily exceed that Hollywood loves to pigeonhole it. "Character [Caroline Aranha monkeys] are not written at all for her, writing is not what you think when you see Frieda Pinto, so maybe you should continue to actively targeting where the movie isn 't an obvious part of him. Or maybe something unexpected, like the comedy of women. "

Analysis: Pinto is a difficult place in which he showed he can play more than a love interest of the eye-candy - and even more difficult because of their race, must be fair to play the love interest, too. This is how the odds are against: Comic-Con, Pinto said that Singh does not want to launch an Indian actress and leading lady of the Immortals, but Singh is himself one of the few Hollywood directors of India.

Yet, Pinto, managed to convince him, and he intends to be to prove that Hollywood has that burning desire, too. Halle Berry as before him, Pinto, must demonstrate that he is running more than meets the eye.

"The real question is driven," said the manager. "Does it rule? You think this would be the talent that informs the result for the client, but the real factor is almost always: "How bad they want? How hard they are willing to work? "It is almost never the talent or the air. I do not know what it entails."

"The party advertising is easy for her - you can always put it in a photoshoot in a beautiful dress - but the hardest is the material worth writing about," said publicist. "She needs to prove again, because I do not think people think of it as something beautiful right now Watch Charlize Theron and [Nicole] Kidman: They made it a point to push themselves - and their agents -.. . the perceived differently So I do think she needs to do something you do not look perfect '

One of the factors that we talked about Berry made the comparison even more explicit in his Pinto advice: "Go to Monster Ball-y-wood!"

Bottom Line: Although the great apes and Immortals of success, their success is not likely to be caused by Pinto, and even if Miral said it can be really works chops, was under and he had seen only half of the film Despite its leading role. You can skip to the next stage in Hollywood, Pinto is a fight film, which is only slender shoulders, and then he must deliver.


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